Fan Controller Parts

You'll need all of the following parts. If you've purchased a kit, please verify its contents against this list. If you're sourcing your own components, this list includes supplier information.

Description QTY Supplier/PN
Fan Controller PCB. 1 Fundamental Logic
tc64x.jpg TC64x IC. 1 Mouser: 579-TC642BEPA
8p-socket.jpg 8 pin 0.300” IC Socket. 1 Generic
3mm_led.jpg 3mm LED. 1 Generic
irf530.jpg IRF530N N-Channel MOSFET. 1 Mouser: 512-IRF530A
3p-header.jpg 3 pin header. 1 Futurlec: POLHDR3
3p-connector.jpg 3 pin connector. 1 Futurlec: POLHDR3
3-crimp-pin.jpg crimp pins. 3 Futurlec: PLHDPIN
3-conductor-cable.jpg 3 conductor cable. 4-8” Generic - 0.100 conductor spacing
7805.jpg 78L05. 1 Mouser: 512-MC78L05ABPX
1uf-cap.jpg 1μF electrolytic capacitor. 5 Generic
2-4-resistor.jpg 2 or 4 Ω 1/2 watt resistor. 1 Generic
27k.jpg 27KΩ resistor. 2 Generic
4k7.jpg 4.7KΩ resistor. 1 Generic
18k.jpg 18KΩ resistor. 1 Generic
therm.jpg 22KΩ Thermistor. 1 Mouser 871-B57891M223J