ATX Switch Parts

You'll need all of the following parts. If you've purchased a kit, please verify its contents against this list. If you're sourcing your own components, this list includes supplier information.

Description QTY Supplier/PN
pcb.jpg ATX Switch PCB. 1 Fundamental Logic
5mm_led_green.jpg 5mm LED. 3 Generic
1KΩ Resistor 4 Generic
568-to-92.jpg 2N3904 NPN Transistor. 1 Mouser: 512-2N3904TAR
350211-1.jpg Power connector. These are the larger variant commonly found on hard drives and CDROMs. 1 Tyco: 350211-1
39-29-9202.jpg ATX connector. 1 Molex: 39-29-9202