Assemble an ATX Switch

Now that you have the required parts and tools, lets solder!

1_add_resistors.jpg Place the 1K Resistors. They're all the same and can be installed in either orientation. Once they're soldered, trim their leads flush with the PCB back side.
2_transistor_and_leds.jpg Place the 2N3904 and LEDs. Install the 2N3904 by lining it's flat side up with the markings on the PCB. Install the three LEDs in whichever order you like, but make sure the flat side of each LED (cathode) matches the flat marking on the PCB. Solder all 9 leads and trim them flush.
assembled.jpg Install the connectors. Install the 20 pin and 4 pin connectors by lining their shape up with the PCB silkscreen and soldering their connections. You do not need to trim them. If you like, you may clip off the unused lug on the 20 pin connector.