Use the StickDuino


The StickDuino works just like an Arduino Diecimila, except smaller and without any cables. Follow the Arduino directions below, just plug in the StickDuino when they plug the USB cable in. Otherwise, the directions are the same, including selecting Arduino Diecimila from the Tools→Board menu.


The StickDuino is code compatible with the Arduino Diecimila with one exception, it has two more analog inputs (like the Nano, Mini, and BT) addressed as 6 and 7.

Hardware Hacking

Immediately beside the USB connector are three tiny pads with the labels 3 and 5. By default the StickDuino ships with a 0 Ohm jumper between 5 and the middle pad, by moving the jumper to the center and 3 pads it is possible to run the StickDuino off the FTDI 3.3v regulator.