DuinoStamp Parts

You'll need all of the following parts. If you've purchased a kit, please verify its contents against this list. If you're sourcing your own components, this list includes supplier information.

Description Qty Supplier
The DuinoStamp PCB. This is the backbone of your DuinoStamp. 1 Fundamental Logic
AtMega168 µC. If you purchased a kit, the IC is pre-programmed with an Arduino bootloader. 1 Mouser 556-ATMEGA168-20PU
28-pin socket. 1 Futurlec ICS28N
10KΩ Resistor. 1 Various
1KΩ Resistor. 1 Various
0.1µF ceramic capacitor 2 Futurlec C100UMC
40 Pin Header. 0.100 spaced pin headers in a strip of 40. We'll cut these down into 2x 6 pin, 2x 8 pin, and 2x 3 pin. 1 Various
LED. 3mm LED. 1 Various
16MHz Ceramic Resonator. This is a 3-pin resonator with integrated capacitors. 1 Mouser 815-AWCR-16.00MD