Arduino 1K Bootloader Acknowledgments

About these documents

The bootloader discussion and development actually happened in early February, so this page has been cribbed from my memory of development and two massive email conversations in my archive. There may be inaccuracies or omissions in the retelling, but more importantly, I may have left off acknowledging key players. If so, I'm sorry, let me know.

People who made this happen

While I did do some development work on this bootloader, I certainly didn't do the lion's share. The following people were involved, in no particular order then how their emails appear in my inbox:

  • Dave Brink who not only started the whole project, but did a lot (all?) of the heavy lifting retrofitting the avrlibc bootloader into the Arduino one.
  • David Mellis
  • Limor Freid / Lady Ada
  • Sahan Abeyasinghe