Unsatisfied with everything else, I present the simple, single-sided, breadboardable, FT232RL based USB to TTL Serial converter.
I know you're thinking "But everyone under the sun makes an FT232 kit!", and you're right. But they all suffer from a selection of problems:
The answer of course is to design a simple, roomy, single sided board, with a DIP like fit.
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Eagle3D FT232 Kit PCB Serial SingleSided SMD USB
Posted by spiffed at 12:27 PM
For hobbyists, kit builders, and lovers of lead, MicrochipDirect is selling off non-RoHS compliant inventory for steep discounts.
I was able to pickup some chips for less than 40% of their normal price. The best deals are on SMD parts, but most PICs are available in 1-off for less than their normal 25-off cost.
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