Entries from Spiff's Electronics Notebook tagged with 'LED'

Introducing the USB7 (March 28, 2008)

I'd like to introduce you to my latest idea, the USB7. 6 digits of 7 segment awesomeness all controllable from a USB virtual com port (via AVR-CDC). You send it numbers, it displays them, what could be easier?

The protocol is very simple; the device accepts a string of numbers, '+', '-', '.', space, and upper/lower hex digits (A-E). The device will buffer up to 6 characters to display. When you send a newline or carriage return (0x0A or 0x0D) the display will update with the buffered data. Any other character is thrown away. It is important to remember that decimals take up no character space because they share a digit with the previous number. This means you can't start a string with a '.', you must first send a character (even space) then the '.'.

After the jump I'll set it up to show my download speed using LCD Smartie.

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Posted by spiffed at 9:47 AM | Comments (2)