For people who love serial ports, through hole parts, and doing things themselves, we're (or 32% off). The price goes up when we run out of this lot, so now is an excellent time to pick up an excellent development tool for an excellent price.
buspirate hackaday Kit pth Sale store
Posted by spiffed at 11:51 AM | Comments (0)
Hack A Day made an awesome prototyping and debugging tool called . The bus pirate can interface with most serial interfaces (SPI, I2C, RS232, JTAG, 1wire, etc) and is controlled by a simple serial terminal. If you have a pc with a serial port and a bus pirate, you can talk to most serial chips.
The latest revisions, though, are surface mount, which isn't so hot if you're just starting out, so we've taken their design and converted to entirely through hole parts with plenty of working space.
Go ahead and check out the Bus Pirate PTH documentation and the .
When you're ready, , , or grab the sources and build your own.
Full Kit | Bare PCB |
buspirate hackaday kit pth store through hole
Posted by spiffed at 3:43 PM | Comments (0)
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